With its proprietary antimicrobial coating, SD Labs has made significant advancements in infection control and public health. SD Pro, its flagship product has shown to be very effective in minimising the transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses, making it an essential measure especially in in densely populated urban areas.
SD Pro coating has also had a significant impact on childcare settings. Pre-schools in particular have been effective in controlling the transmission of viral infections such as the flu and the common cold through application of SD Pro to tables and chairs, play areas and other shared items. The antimicrobial coating also reduced the frequency of outbreaks in childhood illnesses such as Hand-Foot-Mouth-Disease, which can be particularly problematic in pre-school settings.
The hospitality industry is yet another sector for which hygiene practice is particularly crucial. It is of utmost importance that hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality-related businesses prioritise the health and safety of their guests and this is where SD Pro can come in to maintain a clean and sanitary environment 24/7 to ensure guest satisfaction.
SD Pro self-disinfecting coating should also be similarly used in private residences. Homeowners can use SDST or SD Pro to maintain their home's interior clean and free of germs and mould infestation, especially if they have young children or elderly people who are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.
One of the key benefits of our anti-microbial coating is that it provides long-lasting protection against harmful pathogens. Unlike traditional disinfectants, which only provide temporary protection, SD Pro coating remains active for an extended period of time. This means that surfaces can be protected against harmful pathogens for months after just one application.